Virtually all ancient civilisations believed they weren't alone in the universe. That is true for the Norse, who attributed their existence to otherworldly beings. Norse gods and goddesses were mystical deities regarded as creators, protectors, and destroyers.

These supreme beings played central roles in Norse mythology, shaping people's beliefs about life, death, and the cosmos. Here is a list of iconic Norse gods and goddesses and their powers. TABLE OF CONTENTS Origins of Norse gods and goddesses and their symbols 1.

Odin 2. Thor 3. Frigg 4.

Freya 5. Vidar 6. Njord 7.

Freyr 8. Heimdall 9. Loki 10.

Balder 11. Hel 12. Vale Who is the most famous Norse god? What are the main Norse gods called? Who are the 12 in Norse mythology? The Norse were ancient people who inhabited what is present-day referred to as Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Norway).

Their mythology stems from Norse paganism and has persisted even after the Christianization of Scandinavia. The Norse societies were polytheistic and had a rich pantheon of gods and goddesses who influenced their world . Origins of Norse gods and goddesses and their symbols The Norse creation story begins with two worlds: icy Niflheim and fiery Muspelheim, separated by a bottomless abyss called Ginnungagap.

Read also Top 15 most famous Vikings: The greatest Vikings of all time As the two realms clashed, water droplets formed, giving rise to the first living being, Ymir. After his demise, other beings used his body to create.