While Ruth Onley could have never known she’d live to 110, there were hints: Her father lived until he was nearly 105, and Onley says her relationship with God definitely has something to do with it. “(God) told me my days were all numbered. But he didn’t tell me the number,” Onley laughs.

Onley, one of 10 children, was born in 1914 in Weverton, Maryland. She was educated in a one-room school until the third grade before she focused her attention on helping look after her siblings. When she was 16, she began working for prominent families in Frederick, Maryland.

Until she was 26, she looked after their homes and helped raise their children. She stopped once she married Robert Onley. Together, the couple had five children.

Since then, her family has only grown, resulting in 15 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren, 25 great-great grandchildren, and two great-great-great grandchildren. Onley attributes her lasting health to them. “It’s the way my children take care of me,” Onley tells TODAY.

com. Here are some of her other secrets for living a long life and enjoying it. Onley’s talents are many, but cooking is an especially beloved skill — celebrated most by those who get to eat her food.

Onley prepared a soul food buffet every Sunday after church for her family and neighbors. She’d make chicken salad sandwiches, roast chicken, ham, candied sweet potatoes, greens, macaroni and cheese, cabbage, fried chicken, peach cobbler and pound cake. Onley’s also a skil.