The unique pop-up exhibition “THEATROS”, is by Brazilian contemporary artist, Flávia Junqueira , boasting more than 1,000 balloons in an ephemeral immersive installation. The exclusive exhibition took place in Teatro Tivoli BBVA in Lisbon on the 27 July for a mere eight hours. The work of Flavia Junqueira focuses on the photography of installations designed by the artist and mounted in situ in theatres and spaces of cultural relevance.

Balloons are the artistic medium in which Flávia works, giving three-dimensionality to the spaces that are presented, in her installations, with a new spatial and perspective reading. The Tivoli BBVA Theatre celebrated its centenary and was chosen specifically by the artist who had already held the immersive installation at the Liceu Opera Barcelona (Spain), Teatro Colón (Colombia), and Teatro Amazonas (Brazil). Admission to the event was via donation and the entrance to the exhibition was made through a donation which totalled an incredible €2,943.

00 that reverted, in full, to APOIARTE / Casa do Artista. Author: Thomaz Frias Rocha; Reality & Fantasy The Portugal News decided to catch up with the artist, who expressed that “THEATROS” was “inspired by (her) fascination with theatrical spaces and the way they encapsulate magic and fantasy.” She went on to share that “These places have a very rich historical and emotional character, and I wanted to capture the essence of the theaters, the nostalgia and the grandeur of these s.