Right from childhood, when she would refurbish dollhouses, Dr Masooma Rizvi had always been passionate about creativity. She wanted to grow up to choose a profession where she could beautify places. “I had a passion for transforming and redoing things.

Even as a child, I would spend hours decorating my wooden dollhouses with cloth. Whenever someone asked what I was up to, I would simply say, 'I’m making the place beautiful,’” Dr Rizvi shares with . However, her family wanted her to become a doctor or an engineer.

Hailing from Telangana, she went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in science but eventually circled back to her true love —designing, bolstered by travelling and living across the country as her father was in the army. Later, she also did her Masters in conservation. “There is this perception in society that good students become doctors or engineers.

However, one needs to ignore what people say because good things only happen when you are honest with your choices,” she adds. Today, she is an art curator and the Managing Director and Founder of Belita Design Solutions Private Limited—an behind redesigning historical spaces including the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Following her passion Dr Masooma Rizvi Dr Rizvi never planned to open her own venture.

She recalls that while working on some independent design projects, she came across a newspaper advertisement about redesigning a Gymkhana Club. Without wasting a second, she started working on the project, pul.