Marvel changed superhero movies when they put out the original Guardians of the Galax y . That doesn’t mean the film was any good. In fact, Guardians of the Galaxy only became popular because it stood out from the pack in 2014.

In 2024, it just feels like another superhero movie. ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ is an unimpressive movie that came out at the right time During a 2007 interview with Total Film , Tim Burton unknowingly recapped the history of superhero films leading up to Guardians of the Galaxy . “I was lucky when I made Batman because, at the time, it felt like new territory,” he revealed.

“We went back to the traditions of the comic and they were usually light and cartoony. It was exciting. Then, all of a sudden, every comic book hero is a tortured soul in a funny costume.

[Laughs] “I think the genre’s always having to reinvent itself and, obviously, comics are a kind of modern folk tale that can stand to be re-told and re-looked at in many different ways,” he added. “But I think the dark tortured comic-book hero..

. Well, I think it’s time for a new angle. Maybe it’s time to go back to the brightly colored cartoon.

” That’s exactly what happened when Marvel made Guardians of the Galaxy . The studio found a way to make superhero movies lighthearted and fun again. The film felt fresh in 2014 because of its tone and use of pop songs .

However, with time, it’s become easier to see that the movie is mediocre overall. Nothing about the comedy, .