The job of a video game developer might seem all fun and games (quite literally), but it is no easy feat. Making a video game is like juggling multiple balls at once, except they're all on fire, each one is made of something different, and there's someone behind you yelling at you to do it quicker. With that in mind, it's all the more impressive when a developer can delve into a player's mind.

Predicting what a person will do when stepping into the world you've created takes an immense amount of insight and skill. No one is less predictable than a gamer, so you've got to tip your hat when a game knows how to predict their movements. This is something the following ten titles were able to do, as each one came with a surprising inclusion that fully anticipated the player's actions.

Some of them added little nods they knew the player would find, and others simply predicted what they'd do and acted accordingly. No matter what, it's safe to say these games might as well have been reading your mind, as they knew exactly where you were going. 10.

Under The Bridge (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) The thrill of Breath of the Wild is in exploration. No matter where you go, you'll find something interesting at worst, and magical at best. The beloved Kakariko Village is a great example of this as it comes with plenty of unexpected discoveries.

One of the strangest being a simple apple sitting beneath the village bridge. Players who discovered this doctor-repellent fruit were q.