There’s nothing like a scam to put a damper on your hard-earned vacation. In this day and age, the opportunities for people to swindle you out of cash or steal your data seem to be endless. “Travel scams have been around for decades.

However, it’s safe to assume that there has been an increase in recent years as technology continues to advance,” , senior vice president and regional security director at International SOS, told HuffPost. “Because of such technological advances, travelers are easier targets from the booking and planning process, all the way through the end of a trip. While travel scams have increased, the frequency and sophistication of cyber scams has also increased, as has broader awareness and healthy skepticism.

” Indeed,’s safety expert reported in June there had been in travel scams over the past 18 months, driven by the rise of artificial intelligence. “With AI, cybercriminals can scale very easily and at low costs,” said , executive director of programs at the Cybercrime Support Network.

“What used to take them hours now takes seconds, which allows these criminal networks to produce a greater number of less detectable scams.” Your likelihood of encountering a scam and the nature of the fraud can depend on where you travel as well. “Scams vary by country, so popular scams in one region might be different from another,” noted travel writer , aka Nomadic Matt.

“Fortunately, most scams won’t put you in harm’s way, r.