When it comes time to purchase a new (or used) vehicle, there are numerous factors to bear in mind. You may want a truck or SUV because they're capable of transporting more passengers and luggage, and they tend to be higher off the ground. But if something closer to a standard sedan size is appealing to you, plenty of those also have a surprisingly high ground clearance (the distance between the bottom of the car's chassis and the road).

There are many benefits to having a car higher off the ground. For starters, you enjoy better visibility, so you can more clearly see the traffic in front of you. Higher cars also tend to have better traction, and they can typically absorb shock better, providing a smoother ride for you and your passengers.

They're even better suited for off-roading since you don't have to worry about rocky terrain potentially damaging the undercarriage. High ground clearance is merely one factor to consider when picking out a car to buy, as one also has to think about the overall price and mileage. Ultimately, this is a solid list to start with of recent sedan models that are higher off the ground than you may be used to with similar vehicles, which can sit as low as only 4 inches.

We organized the list from lowest to highest clearance, but each of these cars has lots of points in its favor. With a ground clearance of 5.5 inches, the 2023 Volkswagen Jetta winds up on the lower end of the scale for vehicles on this list, but it's come a long way from where it.