Video games are interactive experiences, but this doesn't mean they allow you to do everything. More often than not, game developers will set some boundaries for you, like unreachable areas or impossible boss fights that you're meant to lose. However, as is usually the case with curious games, some can find a way to overcome these barriers, and although most of the time this simply breaks the game, in rare cases, the developers are actually prepared for it with a special secret ending.

Sometimes humorous, sometimes genuine, these secret endings are meant to be rewards for the players who found the way to beat the system and do something they weren't supposed to. They're a neat little treat that acknowledges your accomplishment and can even offer a fun alternative to the actual endings. If you're curious to see if doing the impossible and breaking the rules can reward you with anything, the following titles can deliver with fully customized endings for these exact situations.

Their developers are always one step ahead when it comes to knowing what their playerbase might try to do. 10. Developer Ending - Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger is a classic JRPG about a group of unlikely heroes traveling through time to stop an alien parasite called Lavos from sucking the world dry.

Fighting Lavos early on without the skills and knowledge you acquire during your time-travel adventures is meant to be an impossible challenge that leads to a bad ending where the giant larva destroys the worl.