On The Beach Festival has been blessed with perfect conditions over the past two days. Electronic duo Underworld took to the huge seafront stage in Brighton last night for the biggest party in the city. We were left feeling short changed after Friday night's headliners Bicep, with such poor sound quality it was hard to get into the music .

All of this changed last night. Read more: A weak Bicep sound held together with Glue We arrived later with support act Eats Everything spinning the decks. A quick walk over to the bar and we had a drink within only a few minutes.

There was more space to find our way closer to the stage and we had a great view of the decks and visuals. It was already feeling so much louder and you could feel the bass coming through the pebbles. Eats Everything at the On The Beach festival (Image: Mike Burnell) It was a perfect evening with clear skies overhead and a stunning sunset.

Just next to the stage a bright rainbow formed over the sea. Mother Nature must clearly be a fan of Underworld. The lights went down and Karl Hyde and Rick Smith opened with their track Two Months Off.

The visuals were something else (Image: Mike Burnell) The visuals created by Underworld's team were nothing short of outstanding. It all felt very technical and exposed, with blinking lights and lots of cabling coming out of Smith's music machine, for want of a better word. On the digital screens behind and either side of the stage, live footage was being manipulated in real time .