To some, motorcycles are nothing but a noisy engine strapped to a metal frame with a couple of wheels. They're nothing special, and they're dangerous. But to motorcycle riders, these opinions don't count.

To them, the two-wheeled machines built in the last 120 or so years are works of mechanical art and a perfect amalgamation of beauty in motion. Of course, motorcycles are transportation at their core. Many, if not most, are produced for the purpose of getting people to the places they need to go.

In some areas of Asia and Africa, two-wheelers dominate, and how they look is very far down on the priorities list. To those who don't rely on a bike for basic transportation, manufacturers have for years gone the extra mile to make sure bikes have practicality and style. A robust market for vintage and antique motorcycles keeps historical rides in premium condition for some to admire and a very lucky few to ride and enjoy.

Regardless, there are an awful lot of engaging machines both in aesthetics and operation, new and old. As always, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but here are the most beautiful regular production bikes to have run across the auction block, starting with the most affordable, bearing in mind that cost and beauty are not inextricably linked — but often go hand-in-hand. Most people, enthusiasts or not, have some level of familiarity with Vespa, the popular and iconic Italian manufacturer of motor scooters .

However, Italy once gave us another attractive scoo.