Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Skateboard games continue to be popular. Easy Day Studios Pty Ltd As a sport that has a reasonably high chance of injury, skateboarding is best experienced, for many, in the virtual world, where your limbs and noggin are safe from the various falls all skaters inevitably take. While most skate video games are not a simulation of the sport, they are still a great way to experience the thrill of skateboarding and allow you to feel like a badass.

Especially the ones that focus more on the impressive aerial tricks and spins that skaters in the real world take years to master. There aren’t a massive amount of skateboard games coming out every year, but there are some retro classics and the occasional modern gem that keep the beloved genre going. So if you are looking to get your virtual skate on, these are the best skateboarding games.

Top Skate Games The first skateboarding game was an arcade game from Atari called 720° that was released in 1986. Compared to today’s skate games, it’s incredibly basic as you just ride around a neighbourhood pulling off tricks in the hope of scoring enough to eventually make it to a skate park, but the idea spawned an epic genre. These days, skateboarding games are a beloved genre that is somewhat underserved.

In the early 2000s, skateboarding games were everywhere, building off the success of the Tony Hawk franchise, and some of them are considered as some of the best games ever made. But.