Horror films are all about tension and release, of getting the audience in a flap and then finally revealing all. More often than most other genres, horror tends to be built around a climactic reveal, where the audience's understanding of the situation is changed by one sliver of information. It can be a plot twist, a special effects showcase, a jump scare, or even a sneaky sequel tease, but whatever their nature, the following horror movie reveals all left viewers beaming with sick glee from ear to ear.

Perhaps the audience was expecting pure cliches but were instead faced with something more interesting, or the filmmakers simply knew precisely how to send everyone home on a fist-pumping high. As enthusiastic as horror fans are, it can be tough to make them truly feel something these days, and so when a movie has the audience eating out the palm of their hand like these ones did, you know they're doing a hell of a lot right. So, as a sequel to our previous article on this very subject, here are ten more of the most satisfying, delicious, and downright awesome horror movie reveals.

10. It's A Secret Prequel - Final Destination 5 Expectations weren't exactly high for the fifth Final Destination movie, especially after fourth film The Final Destination - which categorically wasn't the final one - suggested the filmmakers had basically run dry of compelling ideas. But Final Destination 5 had one hell of an ace up its sleeve, by revealing in its final scene that it's actually a s.