HIIT workouts require a high level of effort, but the good news is that they burn more calories than moderate intensity workouts and help to . Since cycling through different exercises for shorter periods of time, the body uses more energy than it does when exercising at a steady state, like a walk or bike ride at a steady pace. When you do a HIIT workout, you alternate between different exercises with quick bursts, such as alternating between , speed and walking in place.

This builds strength and endurance. Generally, rests are minimal in HIIT workouts, and even during rest periods, you’re moving. But always listen to your body, if something feels too intense, it’s okay to ease up or use modifications.

If you want to give HIIT a try, below are some great routines that I recommend to my clients. They are good for both beginners and workout veterans. Try this full-body workout every other day, three times per week for the best results.

You’ll repeat a circuit of five moves for two rounds, and it includes both strength and cardio moves. Katie Austin is a real trainer who talks to you like a friend. This workout is perfect for beginners since she explains each move in detail and doesn’t rush you.

This is another good option if you’re just starting out, and it doesn’t require any equipment (except for maybe a mat, but you can even use a towel for the portions where you’re doing abs on the ground.) Just add intervals to your walk, and you turn it into a HIIT workout!.