If, like many people, you are keen to reduce your environmental impact, making your camping more sustainable will appeal. As with any activity, camping has the potential to be damaging to the environment in a number of ways, such as generating carbon, which is known to be harmful to the planet, and creating waste. In addition, leaving waste or causing damage to the landscape can impact the environment.

Here we share 10 easy ways to make your camping more sustainable. The process of manufacture can have a negative impact on the environment. For example, items such as , , and more have a range of eco-damaging costs in terms of carbon output and water use.

There is also a negative impact of transportation of the resources to make the goods and then to deliver the items to retailers and on to consumers. Buying good quality items that will be long-lasting and only making purchases when you really need them is key to making your camping more sustainable. If you do need new items for camping, why not search for ? Making use of camping items that are still in good condition but unwanted by someone else, reduces the impact of manufacturing new items and also reduces the waste produced by someone throwing kit away.

If you have camping products that are not being used, rather than throwing them out, you should consider if you can sell them second-hand or exchange with another camper for an item you need. Landfill sites have been shown to have and we can each reduce waste and do our bit .