Retirement should be a time of rest, relaxation, and leisure. Hopefully, you’ve saved and invested enough throughout your career so that . reported that the U.

S. is hitting “peak 65” in 2024, a retirement phenomenon that’s already well underway. This year will be record-breaking for retirement in the U.

S., with an average of 11,000 Americans a day expected to celebrate their 65th birthday from now until December. What’s more? Approximately 4.

1 million Americans are slated to turn 65 this year — and every year through 2027. With so many Americans entering retirement every day, a lot of them carry regrets. It’s never good to have regret in life, especially when you’ve come this far.

Here are the 10 of most retirees that you’ll want to be aware of, . Earning passive income doesn't need to be difficult. Traveling broadens your horizons, opens your mind, and exposes you to new cultures and ideas.

It’s arguably one of the best leisure activities you can partake in. However, it’s not cheap to travel these days and the cost of flights, hotels, rental cars, and more can really add up quickly. Be sure to travel within your means to avoid debt.

Perhaps you’ve driven a luxury car throughout your working life, a non-essential expense that you’d prefer to keep even in retirement. But, maintaining an expensive vehicle during retirement can burn a hole in your wallet. Inevitable repair bills and maintenance costs can be a lot to contend with, especially if you’re .