There have been some immense, iconic kills over the decades when it comes to the horror genre, and one particular sort of kill many a horror hound has a soft spot for is a demise that a victim sees coming. Whether it's hulking serial killers, supernatural entities, monstrous creatures, or some other terrifying threat of the day, there's something special about that moment when a character realises their goose is cooked. Some of these characters may absolutely deserve what's coming to them, while others may not, but either way, there's that great split-second where somebody knows they're not long for this world.

While this topic has been covered in previous articles, things are a little different this time out. By that, the spotlight is being shone specifically on more recent horror releases. In that regard, all of the films featured here were put out to the masses at some point within just the past two years.

So with all of that in mind, then, the following ten characters have some of the greatest 'I'm dead and I know it' moments in recent horror history. 10. Brandon - M3GAN Despite only being a child, Brandon is the sort of obnoxious character you really, really hope something bad happens to.

And when he bullies Cady and then starts to slap around the dormant M3GAN, that something bad comes in the shape of the titular robotic doll. This all takes place out in the woods, where Brandon - who's already been shown to be a rude little sh*t - continues to pick on poor Cady, before.