, - Yosemite National Park is known as one of California’s most visited according to the . The park stuns visitors with its incredibly alluring waterfalls such as the Vernal Fall and Bridalveil Fall. In addition to being notable for its Half Dome and El Capitan rock formations, visitors can undertake other outdoor activities in Yosemite National Park.

Visitors are encouraged to make a reservation when the booking system is available. Here is a list of several attractions you can do when you are visiting Yosemite National Park as cited from and : Yosemite Valley has been named as the main destination of Yosemite National Park due to several reasons. This valley features the park’s best attractions, such as El Capitán, Half Dome, Tunnel View, Bridalveil Fall, and Yosemite Falls are all located in Yosemite Valley.

Visitors are recommended to use the shuttle bus as much as they can. Alternatively, visitors can rent bikes for half a day to roam around. Tunnel View serves an impeccably stunning view that is out of this world.

This attraction is especially famous among people who love photography. Tunnel View is one of the entrance gates to Yosemite National Park and has been very well-loved by past visitors. The site sets a perfect introduction and transition to the incredible park as tourists will be greeted by an amazing sight of Yosemite Valley, Half, Dome, and El Captian upon exiting the tunnel.

Glacier Point is one of the favored attractions in Yosemite National Park. Ac.