After a deceptively packed summer of new releases , the fall season for anime television is full of future shonen juggernauts, cozy sleeper hits, and classic horror given a new coat of (black-and-white) paint, in the case of the long-awaited series adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki . To help you sift through the overwhelming offerings on deck, we’ve gone ahead and picked out ten series hitting screens in the coming season, a combination of the biggest returns with some newcomers that we’re most interested in. The vast majority of new and noteworthy anime releases cluster in the month of October, which makes for plenty of debuts to keep track of in the span of a couple weeks.

(Don’t worry: We’ve already covered the upcoming non-anime releases earlier this week .) We made this list in part to help you decide which titles you’ll want to invest time in first. The long, long- awaited series adaptation of Junji Ito’s most famous horror manga is finally arriving.

Directed by Hiroshi Nagahama — who has touched on horror folktales before with the excellent Mushi-shi — the story is about a town suffering from a curse that manifests through spirals. (The title literally translates to “spiral.”).

It starts small: Patterns repeat in clouds and in nature, before they become more invasive, to incredibly disturbing effect, twisting minds and then bodies. The show, airing on Adult Swim in a four-episode miniseries, looks like the manga come to life. Nagahama uses monochr.