Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Thursday accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of trying to divert the people’s attention from the controversy over Union home minister Amit Shah’s comments on BR Ambedkar, and announced that they will continue to fight to safeguard the legacy of India’s first law minister. They also refuted allegations that Gandhi shoved and injured two ruling party lawmakers, and alleged that BJP members shoved Kharge and injured his knees. “Their full time job was to create one distraction or the other.
We have been saying from the beginning that the thinking of BJP-RSS is anti-constitutional, anti-Ambedkar thinking and they want to erase the memory of Ambedkar, his contribution, they want to end it and directly their minister, home minister directly showed their mindset in front of everyone,” Gandhi said. He also alleged that the “main issue” was the allegation of corruption against the Adani Group in the US, and said that the BJP worked to stop any discussion on it. “Today we had a protest, we came out from Babasaheb Ambedkar’s statue, his idol and we were coming in a line in a peaceful manner, but I don’t know what came into their mind.
We were walking, they came to Makar Dwar and sat there to stop us, and Parliament time was also over and there were five minutes left, so we wanted to go inside, but they stopped us at the door and stopped us in such a way as to show.