
The ultimate 'worlds collide' finally happened on TikTok (take that with a pinch of salt) when an American tourist visited the 'Lakes District' just recently. User farawaylucy seems to be a mission to offend every rural local in the UK, after recently butchering several Welsh towns' names on a visit there. Where was next on her hitlist? Cumbria.

First time in The Lakes District and I’m loving it !!! 🥰⛰️ What hike should I do here next? ❤️ Be warned, she talks at breakneck speed. "All of you told me I need to visit the Lakes District so let's go. First, I drove through the city of Ambleside.

It was so quaint I felt like I was in Harry Potter. I actually saw a sign for Beatrix Potter in Windermere, I don't know if that's like his grandmother. "Grasmere was so wet who knew Europe was so rainy, oh my god.

I met a bunch of Brits to go on a group hike which was so dope. Everyone was so friendly, this one guy even called me a b***end. I don't know what that means but he was really cute.

" Recommended reading: Tourist slams Lake District cave for just being a cave Tourist says famously small Lake District pub is too cramped Kirkstone Pass among most beautiful places in the world She continued: "Speaking of cute I also met this schnauzer and wiener, oh my god. After walking through these beautiful palm trees we finally made it to Loughrigg Fell and the views were so pretty. "Next, we went to Rydal Grotto which is the biggest natural cave in the UK, so cool.

Some guy told me that this is where the Loch Ness Monster goes on vacation so this guy took his cat in to meet him. So cute. "Anyway let me know what I should do next in the district.

" Obviously, farawaylucy was taking the mick, or, at least we hope she was..

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