Amazon is taking a bold step into India’s growing quick commerce market, promising to deliver everyday essentials in 15 minutes or less. The pilot programme will begin in Bengaluru later this month, adding competition to a sector already dominated by Blinkit, Zepto, and Swiggy Instamart. Amazon India’s country manager, Samir Kumar, announced the move during the company’s annual event, Smbhav, in Delhi.
He highlighted Amazon’s focus on “selection, value, and convenience,” explaining that the pilot project is designed to meet the demand for faster deliveries. However, the service’s name—rumoured to be “Tez”—has not been confirmed. The company plans to use dark stores—small warehouses that exclusively fulfil online orders—to support its operations.
While Amazon hasn’t revealed how many dark stores will be set up or which cities will follow Bengaluru, sources suggest that further expansion will depend on the pilot’s success. Quick commerce is rapidly gaining traction in India, driven by changing consumer behaviour and a growing demand for speed and convenience. According to a report from Meta, 91 per cent of online consumers in India are aware of quick commerce platforms, and more than half have used them recently.
The report highlights that 57 per cent of users are spending more on quick commerce platforms, with groceries and personal care products leading the charge. Unlike traditional e-commerce, which is often associated with fashion and electron.