
Remember 2002? An iconic year when and were together and starring in the never-critically-acclaimed-not-even-once film . No, things didn't work out at the time—but then Bennifer staged a zombielike return from the ashes of their relationship and got straight-up MARRIED in 2022. And are now potentially divorcing, by the looks of things? It's been a lot, so naturally we're going back.

Back to the beginning. Because lest you forget, these two have a lot of history! Behold, a hefty timeline of Bennifer’s relationship—plus the relationships they’ve had in between— (so all the juiciest updates are at the top)! August 2024 As Jennifer heads back to L.A.

after a summer away from Ben, reports that the couple aren’t on speaking terms, which is slowing down their divorce process. Meanwhile, a source tells that J.Lo is "furious," adding "He has humiliated her.

He was the one who initiated getting back together. He’s humiliated her because she made a big deal that he’s the love of her life. They just had two weddings two years ago.

This is some kind of a record, they’re not young kids.” And an insider notes that Bennifer is "waiting to announce their official split, because they want to make sure everything is seamless when they do, especially with everyone involved. Neither of them want this process to be rushed.

They are treating the separation with as much grace, understanding, and gentleness as they can." July 2024 Where to even BEGIN with the events of this month? Not only does report that Ben purchased himself a new $20.5 million home.

..news breaks that he did so on J.

Lo's literal birthday. Which, by the way, she spent without him in the Hamptons. (Note: the couple also spent their second wedding anniversary apart.

..not a great sign.

) Meanwhile, the speaks to sources who say Bennifer’s divorce papers are “finalized” but “not yet turned in,” AND the outlet who claims J.Lo’s sisters “want her to file for divorce first and get on with her life—focus on her kids and career.” June 2024 As J.

Lo and Ben are spotted without their wedding rings, reports that the couple is "quietly" trying to sell their $60 million home—though it should be noted that a source also tells the J.Lo "wants this marriage to work so much that she is willing to make any sacrifice including giving up being J.Lo.

" Fast-forward to June 21, and a previously recorded interview Ben did with Kevin Hart goes up. In it, , "she’s so famous, and she creates this—people love her, and she really represents something important to people." May 2024 First things first: J.

Lo shows up to the Met Gala solo. When asked about Ben, Jen reveals that he has filming commitments in LA . Flash-forward to May 14, and reports that Jennifer is shopping for homes in Beverly Hills .


A couple days later, reports that Ben has been staying at a Brentwood home all by himself, while an source says "the tension has been high." March 2024 Ben and J.Lo are spotted courtside at a Lakers game and can't help but be adorable.

Also, enjoy this: February 2024 Bennifer attends the premiere of J.Lo's , and the celebs look incredible on the red carpet! Around the same time, the singer makes an appearance in a video in which she revisits notable lines from her movies over the years—including one from . "The first time meeting him on that film was at the read-through," J.

Lo recalls during the exercise. "They did a read-through of the whole thing and I remember kind of just walking in and I think he was outside, smoking a cigarette and I saw him and we just talked for like a minute and then I sat down and we did the read-through." "I don't remember a whole bunch more about it, but I remember being on the set with him every day and loving it," she adds.

And because we know you're wondering, yes, the singer also provides insight as to whether or not she and Ben would ever be in another film together: "I don't know, in the right thing, maybe, in the right thing...

I mean, we love working together and being together, so maybe." Good! To!! know!!! Oh, and P.S.

February is a busy month for these two, and aside from interviews and movie premieres, J.Lo and Ben also find the time to ~chill~ together..

.namely by *checks notes* going to watch together. Ahem: Stars—they're just like us! January 2024 The month starts with J.

Lo putting out legit *the* horniest track about Ben in her new single "Can't Get Enough." Just some of the lyrics, you ask? Oh, and also: For all the deets on the *chef's kiss* banger, head right on over this way: The following week, the couple makes an appearance at the , and the singer defends her husband's viral pap photos: "Ben is doing alright. You don’t need to worry about Ben, let me just tell you.

He is good. He is happy. He is here, he is nominated.

I'm chilling, I don’t understand what people are so pressed for." Around the same time, on January 17, a trailer for Jen's visual album, , drops, and it not only recreates Bennifer’s , but it also features the actor's name in a list of cameos alongside , , , , and . The project officially drops on January 16, so stay tuned! November 2023 Ben and Jen attend the LACMA Art + Film gala and look completely in love with each other: September 2023 The pair is more loved-up and obsessed than ever during a shopping trip in L.

A. Like, there's even butt-grabbing. It's a whole thing.

Pics this way: Meanwhile, a source tells the that these two are still "very much in love with each other" and "their relationship is still on fire." They're also "really happy with each other, and there's no drama in their relationship right now at all." August 2023 Ben celebrates his 51 birthday and J.

Lo drops a cute unseen video of them singing in the car together to celebrate. Awwww! And and ANNNNND they celebrate their one-year wedding anniversary. Time flies when you're literally obsessed with each other! July 2023 Jennifer celebrates her 54th birthday and writes allll about it via her newsletter On the Jlo, saying "Ben hosted it at our new house with our closest family and friends.

" Pics incoming! June 2023 J.Lo blesses the timeline with a “daddy appreciation post” featuring a partial nude of Ben for Father’s Day. And just a few weeks later, an anonymous source dishes to that the couple will be renewing their vows near the end of July or early August, proving that their bond is stronger than ever.

“All their kids are doing great, the families are all in sync,” the insider revealed. “And to celebrate all that, as they get closer to their first wedding anniversary, they both want to renew their vows and show how much in love they are with each other. They are not taking this second chance for granted.

” S'cute! May 2023 Jen opens up about what a great stepdad Ben is to her kids during an interview with , saying, “They love Ben. He’s a wonderful, wonderful father and father figure to them as well, ’cause he has his own three beautiful children and then there’s us. He’s fantastic.

He really steps up to the challenge of what [being a stepfather] is and what that means, and they love him.” But then things take a turn for the dramatic when the couple are *allegedly* seen arguing on the red carpet. Except, like, they were actually just chatting about where to take pics? March 2023 The couple attend the premiere of Ben’s new movie : And meanwhile, Ben opens up *a lot* during a interview tied to his new movie , so we’ve gone ahead and taken the liberty to sift through it and highlight all the times he speaks about Jen—yw! Namely, when it came to providing significant context to the influence of Michael Jordan and his shoes at the time.

“She is incredibly knowledgeable about the way fashion evolves through the culture as a confluence of music, sports, entertainment, and dance,” the actor begins. “She helped me in talking about the way in which a part of the reason why Jordans [the shoes] were so meaningful is because culture and style in America is 90 percent driven by Black culture. Black culture has historically pioneered music, dance, fashion, and it’s then been stolen, appropriated, remarketed as Elvis or whatever.

And in this case, [Nike], a white-run corporate entity, was starting to do business with African American athletes in an identity affiliation sales thing. They were really taking value from what Michael Jordan represents and who he is. I don’t think the meaning can be overstated.

They’re going to switch from ‘Hey, guys, we are a nice shoe’ to ‘If Mike has it, you want it.’” “My wife’s a genius at that. I don’t know if there’s anybody who understands Instagram better than her.

In fact, she gave me a talk this morning before this interview. She thinks that because of experiences that I’ve had, I’ve become very guarded. And she’s right.

I view these things as land mines, where if you say one wrong thing, your career might be over.” “It didn’t matter how many times I said, ‘I do not feel this way. I’m telling you, I don’t blame my ex-wife for my alcoholism.

’ So, yeah. It’s hard. But anyway, so [Jennifer] tells me today, ‘Relax, be yourself.

Have fun. You’re actually a fun guy who is real and genuine and you just seem so serious.’ Do I seem serious? But as in many things, she’s really right.

And she loves me. She’s looking out for me. She’s trying to help me.

So it’s like, maybe I ought to fucking listen to her.” “I had a good time at the Grammys. My wife was going, and I thought, .

At movie awards shows, it’s speeches and, like, sound-mixing webinars. But I thought this would be fun. I saw [Grammy host Trevor Noah approach] and I was like, .

They were framing us in this shot, but I didn’t know they were rolling. I leaned into her and I was like, ‘As soon they start rolling, I’m going to slide away from you and leave you sitting next to Trevor.’ She goes, ‘You better fucking not leave.

’ That’s a husband-and-wife thing. I mean, some of it is, I’m like, ‘Alright, who is this act?’ Like, I don’t keep up. My wife does, obviously.

” So there you have it, folks! Problem = solved. January 2023 These two attend the and send the internet spiraling over a tense convo. Lip-readers simply are not okay! Aside from that, they star in—what else?—a Dunkin’ Donuts commercial that airs during the Super Bowl: And get some cute tattoos on Valentine’s Day: Also in January 2023 Bennifer kicks off the year with we never knew we needed.

Come for BTS pics from their wedding, stay for all the make-out sessions: J.Lo also chats about blending her and Ben’s families during an appearance on , saying, “We moved in together. The kids moved in together.

It’s been, like, a really kind of emotional transition but at the same time all your dreams coming true. And it’s just been a phenomenal year. Like, my best year, I think, since my kids were born.

” December 2022 A cozy month for Ben and Jen that basically revolves around wearing comfy sweaters and spoiling each other for the holidays. As a source tells , “Ben is planning on giving Jen a couple of things that are special and sentimental that have taken him a long time to find. He is also planning on giving her beautiful jewelry and a couple of big things that are surprises.

” Most importantly though? The pair hold their first Christmas party as a married couple, and Ben sings! And they make out! November 2022 J.Lo during a lengthy interview on Apple Music 1’s . “It was so painful after we broke up,” she said, via .

“Once we called off that wedding 20 years ago, it was the biggest heartbreak of my life, and I honestly felt like I was going to die.” Oh, also, Ben and Jen have a cozy Thanksgiving with their families! October 2022 After a couple of months of wedded bliss, Ben and Jen make their first red carpet appearance since getting married, showing up (in matching ’fits!) at Ralph Lauren’s show in California. Cute pics incoming: August 2022 Ben and Jen are married! Again! The couple say “I do” for round two in front of friends and family at Ben’s Georgia home, and Jen dishes all the details in .

“Nothing ever felt more right to me, and I knew we were finally ‘settling down’ in a way you can only do when you understand loss and joy and you are battle tested enough to never take the important things for granted or let the silly insignificant nuisances of the day get in the way of embracing every precious moment,” she writes. “We find ourselves in that long-desired time of life: having gratitude for all that life has shown us, even its trials and tribulations. That night really was heaven.


” July 2022 Jen and Ben start the month holding hands and looking in love and whatnot while shopping for luxury cars, as ya do. And then, surprise! They get married in Vegas. J.

Lo also changes her name, officially becoming “Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Affleck,” and two seconds later, the couple goes on honeymoon in Paris, where they’re photographed looking all kinds of in love: June 2022 J.Lo gets a super-cute manicure in honor of her and Ben’s ’ship.

Celebrity manicurist Tom Bachik completed the set and posted it to his Instagram with the caption, “If you know...

then you know. 🏹 Jen and Ben forever #couplesgoals for the boss @jlo #nailsbytombachik. 💅🏼🔥” Ben also makes a cameo appearance in Jen’s doc .

The film took us back to the early 2000s, when beyond cringeworthy and oftentimes racist media coverage of the singer was standard throughout the entirety of her relationship with Ben. As Ben puts it in the doc, “I said to her once, ‘Doesn’t this bother you?’ And she said, ‘I’m Latina. I’m a woman.

I expected this. You just don’t expect it. You expect to be treated fairly.

’” Shout-out to Ben, who has been J.Lo’s supporter since day one! And clearly she appreciates him because she posts cute video in his honor on Father’s Day (it’s of BTS moments): May 2022 An insider tells that J.Lo “wants the formalities out of the way so they can start their journey as man and wife sooner rather than later.

” The source said she also wants to have a “spectacular celebration” and mentioned she and Ben are “committed to making this work and taking all the steps necessary to respect each other’s boundaries and learn from their mistakes the last time around.” Another source shared similar sentiments to “Ben and Jen want to get married soon,” said the insider. “They are talking about having a destination or tropical wedding.

They can’t wait to spend the rest of their lives together forever, happily in love.” April 2022 Bennifer !!!!!!! Jen breaks the news in her newsletter that we’re all now subscribed to, : And then Jen’s sister Lynda shares a glimpse at the ring on her Instagram Story: So, what does J.Lo have to say about the proposal? Ahem: “Did you ever imagine your biggest dream could come true?” she writes (per ) .

“Saturday night while at my favorite place on earth (in the bubble bath), my beautiful love got on one knee and proposed. I was taken totally off guard and just looked in his eyes smiling and crying at the same time trying hard to get my head around the fact that after 20 years, this was happening all over again. I was quite literally speechless and he said, ‘Is that a yes?’ I said, ‘YES, of course that’s a YES.

’” In non-relationship news, , so they once again start touring mansions in Los Angeles, as one does. March 2022 Ben and Jen ! And by “house,” we mean enormous $50 million mansion estate with four (!!) kitchens. The home is nestled in a quaint little area called Bel-Air (lol), and they will be blending their families in it since “ .

” December 2021 Bennifer are spotted being cute at a Lakers game: And they attend another movie premiere together! Later in the month, J.Lo comes to Ben’s defense amid for his interview about his ex Jennifer Garner. Shutting down reports that she was “ ” about his comments, J.

Lo told , “This story is simply not true. It is not how I feel. I couldn’t have more respect for Ben as a father, a co-parent, and a person.

” October 2021 Ben and Jen hit up the premiere of Ben’s new movie . And later that month, . September 2021 Ben and Jen step out on their first official red carpet as a “new” couple, attending the 78th Venice International Film Festival! A few days later, they make their Met Gala debut and this iconic/haunting photo happens: Honestly, this month was a big one for their PDA: July 2021 Fresh off the glow of and , Jennifer is spilling the deets on just how great she’s doing at the moment! In an , J.

Lo says: Meanwhile, reports that “Ben and Jen are spending almost every night together when they’re not working...

they plan on moving in together very soon.” The source adds, “As far as Jen sees it, she and Ben have their whole lives now to set things up in a comfortable way. She intends to be an involved stepmom who’s there for Ben in that area, plus she’ll want him to make the same effort with her and Marc’s kids.

” But that’s not all— on Leah Remini’s account: And THEN they go official on J.Lo’s account for her 52nd— a kiss! June 2021 Bennifer is still going strong, and of them making out at dinner, which you can see . Meanwhile, a source tells that J.

Lo “is packing up her Miami rental” and gearing up to head to L.A. with her twins to be near Ben.

May 2021 and end their engagement! They announce their decision in a joint statement to the show amid (false!) cheating rumors: This same month, Ben compliments J.Lo for her May 2021 cover story, saying, “She remains, to this day, the hardest-working person I’ve come across in this business. She has great talent, but she has also worked very hard for her success, and I’m so happy for her that she seems, at long last, to be getting the credit she deserves.

” And then? Then things start HAPPENING. The exes , they take a trip to Montana, *and* reports that their ’ship has “been building since February” when full of “loving and longing.” ! Like.

..okay! Meanwhile, reports that Bennifer’s “public comeback romance” was supposed to happen in a “tightly controlled” way, but the paps ruined it.

According to a source: January 2021 are done. “They have had numerous discussions about their future and they decided together to break up,” a source tells , with another sourcing adding that the breakup is “mutual and something that is completely amicable. They are in different points in their lives; there is deep love and respect there.

” We’ll always have the memz! March 2020 after meeting on the set of They’re spotted vacationing in Cuba, and it’s clear they’re a couple when Ben slides into Ana’s comments asking for photo cred. February 2020 Ben tells the that J.Lo should have been nominated for her role in , saying, “She should have been nominated.

She’s the real thing. I keep in touch periodically with her and have a lot of respect for her. How awesome is it that she had her biggest hit movie at 50? That’s fucking baller.

” That same month, he tells that in five years, “I would love to have a relationship that is deeply meaningful and one to which I could be deeply committed...

.Five years from now, Ben Affleck is sober and happy and sees his kids three and a half days a week and has made three or four movies that are interesting to him. I directed two [movies] that he is hopefully proud of and is in a healthy, stable, loving, committed relationship.

” March 2019 J.Lo and A-Rod get engaged with a truly enormous ring! October 2018 Ben and Jen Garner’s divorce is finalized, although they’d separated years earlier in June 2015. Around this time, Ben also splits from his girlfriend of a year, Lindsay Shookus , just FYI!).

March 2017 A-Rod and J.Lo start dating! A source tells , “She seems excited. He has been around her family, and she really likes that he is a dad.

She is aware, though, that he is a ladies’ man too and is being cautious. For now, it’s just fun. She is single and enjoys dating.

” Here’s him gushing: August 2016 J.Lo and Casper Smart part ways, with a source telling “The relationship had just run its course” and that they’d “hit a rough patch.” January 2015 J.

Lo tells she has “no regrets” about Ben Affleck, saying, “I would do it all over again, I think. I really would. Even the relationship part.

I just feel like everything is part of your story and your journey and is meant to be and helps you grow if you’re willing to look at it, and I’m willing to look.” However, she says, “[ ] was a very badly reviewed film. I was in a high-profile relationship at the time that fell apart in a really bad way, and so the kind of mix of those two things and the tabloid press had just come into existence at the time, so I was like a poster child for that moment.

I was in the tabloids every other week about how my life was falling apart. It was a tough time.” October 2011 J.

Lo starts dating her backup dancer Casper Smart! July 2011 J.Lo and Marc Anthony announce their separation, and their divorce is eventually a couple of years later in June 2014. June 2005 Ben and Jen Garner get married during a private ceremony in Turks and Caicos and go on to have three kids! June 2004 J.

Lo starts up a relationship with her ex Marc Anthony and they get married in June—five months after her split from Ben. She in her book that he “came back into my life three days after I should have been at the altar saying ‘I do’ to another man.” They go on to have two cute kids together.

Meanwhile, Ben Affleck starts dating Jennifer Garner (his costar in !). Here they are flirting up a storm when Jen was married to Scott Foley and Ben was engaged to J.Lo.

January 2004 Jen and Ben confirm their split with a simple from J.Lo’s rep that reads, “I am confirming the report that Jennifer Lopez has ended her engagement to Ben Affleck. At this difficult time, we ask that you respect her privacy.

” September 2003 Just before their wedding, Bennifer calls it off in a joint —citing the media frenzy surrounding them as the reason. July 2003 The couple arrives at the premiere for . The vibes? Slightly awkward.

November 2002 Ben proposes to Jennifer (for the first time!) with a ring that has been haunting me for more than a decade: a 6.1-carat pink solitaire. At the time, that the proposal was “traditional but also in a very spectacular way, as of course Ben would do it.

..it was very, very beautiful.

” That same month, Ben stars in J.Lo’s iconic “Jenny From the Block” video: September 2002 Jennifer and Ben inexplicably decide to film another movie together called Okay!!!!! December 2001 Jennifer and Ben fall for each other on the set of , which would go on to absolutely bomb at the box office. It was truly the best of times and the worst of times.

Welp, that’s it for now! We’ll keep you updated, lol!.

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