
The Fright Cliffs in are home to a particular oddity: giant chanting heads made of stone with eyes you can remove. But where are they all and how are they used? Here are the locations of all Buddha’s Eyeballs and where to use them in . .

After you clear the boss fight against the rat king and prince, you can take the nearby rope and plank bridge to the winding Fright Cliffs just beyond. You’ll find your first Buddha head not long after entering. Activating it will reward you with a Buddha’s Eyeball, an item that teases it can be “inlaid elsewhere.

” But where? Where to find all Buddha’s Eyeballs in . They’re dotted all over the landscape, but thankfully the game makes them easier to find so long as your ears are open. As you get close, you’ll be able to .

Follow the chants, and the eyeball prize is yours. Sadly, the accessibility options of are a bit lacking. As far as I can tell, you can’t turn on subtitles for audio effects.

Scroll on for our directions on how to find each head and where to take the eyes. . Find it chilling on the side of the road just before you reach your first Keeper’s Shrine in the area.

There are two branching paths you can take from the Keeper’s Shrine to find the rest of the heads. For the sake of ease, we’ll go through the cave and then come back around. .

Beware of stone enemies that emerge from the ground. Take the entrance with the covered archway ahead of you. .

Before you enter the cave properly, look for a path that leads up to a hidden shrine. Here’s where you’ll find the second head. Return to the path and head deeper into the cave.

Look for the Keeper’s Shrine trail of sparkles leading you out of the second cave exit on your right. Activate the shrine (Rockrest Flat), but keep it in your memory as we’re heading back to it twice. Go back to the cave and ascend further inside.

There are a lot of enemies in your way, so try and take them on one at a time. (it’s tempting, believe me)! Attacking it will start a hidden boss fight. You can always return later unless you’re feeling a bit spicy.

. You should be able to hear the chants, but it’s easy to spot the third Buddha head from here. It’s time to go back to the Keeper’s Shrine we located earlier.

It’ll be quickest to activate the in your inventory to warp there instantly. Once you arrive, turn around and head through the opening with wooden planks as flooring. The path ahead branches off in occasional places.

If you don’t deviate from the trail, you’ll find . The fifth Buddha head is . Return to the Keeper’s Shrine at Rockrest Flat one final time.

. I left this one last for a reason. .

This is where you need to fight the Stone Vanguard boss to get the required for story progression. If you haven’t defeated it yet, you’re going to need to do so first. Where to use the Buddha Eyeballs items in Once the Stone Vanguard is dusted, you can now place the six Buddha’s eyes.

Inside the arena just past the entrance is . If you have all the eyeballs, you’ll see an option to “Deliver” them. Do so now, and get ready.

, a massive stone golem-like creature. It can be a tough fight. The boss uses its fists and feet to knock the wind out of you, while also unleashing area-of-effect attacks by striking the ground.

It does move slowly, which should help you to learn its attack pattern. On defeat, Shigandang rewards you with the Heart of Stone, a Mind Core, a Skandha of Feeling, three Silk, and 1,360 Will..

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