You’re driving home from the gym, listening to your favorite album, when you glance at the dashboard and notice that the song playing is exactly 4:44 minutes long. That’s random, because while on the treadmill at the gym, you looked down and checked your progress at the 4:44 minute mark. And your morning drip coffee recently went up in price, and now it's $4.
44. Why are you seeing 444 so much? You might be feeling like this is a cryptic message that needs further investigation. Your intuition is onto something.
This is a classic case of an . Congrats! Now what? Jump to: Angel numbers are repeating numbers thought to connect people to supernatural beings, the universe, or a higher purpose. They might be a repeating numeral ( ), a series of sequential numerals (like ), or a series of numerals that's personally significant to you (like your mom's birthday).
When you come across an angel number, you can rest assured that something energetically high vibrational is trying to connect with you. Think of these numbers as a kind of special Morse code that's encouraging you to follow the right path on your journey. All of them offer a unique meaning.
I know it's already an angel number, but repeating number 444 is the number code of the angelic realm. The angels are connecting with you whenever you see this number. Literally, when you see this number, know that your angels are nearby.
Yes, even more so than other angel numbers! If you’ve been wondering if your prayers or i.