
Welcome to the boudoir, where intimacy meets transformation. As you navigate the most vulnerable space within your , remember that the 8th House is as much about rebirth as it is about connection. ICYDK, .

Each house rules over a different area of life. The 8th House awakens us to the intimacy we share with the people closest to us—no wonder the of close friends is next to the 8th House of intimacy and shared resources. It’s like astrology is a framework that depicts evolution or something! When studying your 8th House for insight, you can learn more about how you can ask for help, how to identify the people who are willing to invest in you, which activities can enhance your relationships, and how to platonically and romantically connect with your partners.

Thinking of the 8th House of shared resources, intimacy, and death as the bedroom might be controversial. The implication is that our bedrooms are where true unity and transformation can occur, so each welcome into your bedroom should be intentional and conscious. Jump to: Meet the houses of your birth chart The 8th House of intimacy is located on the upper right side of your birth chart.

If you treat your birth chart as a compass, the 8th House is in the northeast section of your birth chart. One of the simplest ways of quickly finding your 8th House is to start with . Once you find your Rising sign, look to the zodiac sign opposed to your Rising sign to find your 7th House.

Then, count one more house over to find your 8th House. Or if you want a more straightforward solution, the calculator below will help determine which sign your 8th House is in—just look for the little 8. The 8th House's themes pertain to engaging with another person—intimate unions, psychology, finances, and in-depth interactions.

Astrologers look to the 8th House to understand how you navigate deep connections, especially when you're leading with your heart wide open. For example, someone with their 8th House in a —known for leadership—might discover that they feel genuinely experiencing intimacy when taking action with love. There is nothing better than for Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, or Aries 8th House natives than to feel as though they can make moves and show acts of affection towards the people they are close to.

Through their willingness to take initiative, they can release control and trust the process of merging with their loved ones. A in the 8th House, on the other hand, is somewhat of the opposite in how they share closeness. For Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Taurus 8th House natives, it is their ability to maintain consistency, routine, and even stillness with one another that they make them feel like they’re developing a bond.

The esoterically inclined and enchanting is naturally the sign associated with the 8th House. This means that Scorpio finds a sense of visceral peace when dwelling in a birth chart’s intimate domain. Perhaps one of the most authentic forms of intimacy is practicing stillness.

Scorpio’s element is water, and just like a deep and calm lake, Scorpio craves closeness, desiring to hold their loved ones as closely as possible. To Scorpio, the ability to be metaphorically nude with those they care about is the highest form of demonstrating their love. According to modern astrologers, the planet associated with the 8th House is , the planet of death and transformation—which is low-key why I believe that even though the 8th House is about all things connection, it’s also the house of breakups and divorce.

The theme of death associated with the 8th House implies space for the completion of connections within intense involvement. When planets are within your 8th House in your birth chart, this signifies an astrological calling to develop how you share and experience intimacy. Are you the type of person who lives in extremes? If so, you might find yourself writing off the need to bond deeply.

The 8th House requires us all to consider that intimate interactions can come into play throughout our lifetime. When you have planets within your 8th House in your birth chart, that’s a call from the cosmos to consider how you can connect with the people you care about. For example, when someone is born with Mars in their 8th House of intimacy, they may find that developing deep connections is what they need to feel motivated.

If a sea of small talk surrounds them and they doubt their ability to go deep with you, they’ll begin to disengage. Ultimately, a planet within the 8th House will tell you more about how a person can express and embrace deep connections. When planets move through your 8th House, that’s like a wake-up call from the universe to think about how and why you connect with others.

Do you find yourself holding back from sharing your secrets with loved ones? Perhaps you feel that if you spill your secrets, the people you cherish will prove less than trustworthy. Situated between the 7th House of close relationships and the 9th House of higher knowledge, the 8th House serves as the domain for people to reflect on their relationship with trust. For example, if Mercury is transiting through your 8th House, you may need to strengthen your listening and communication skills.

You could feel as though you’re called to decipher hidden meanings and you may have to address issues regarding lies. Once the 8th House transit end, the person who experienced the astrological event may feel lighter. They might even prefer some small talk after all that depth! Monisha “Six” Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness.

She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of , a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice. Follow her on .


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