Bollywood star couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor gave us major fashion goals last night. Raj Kapoor's 100th Birth Anniversary Celebration was held to honour the legendary filmmaker's impact on cinema ahead of his 100th birth anniversary on December 14, 2024. The star-studded event was set to pay tribute to Raj Kapoor's cinematic legacy.
Among many celebrities, who grabbed our attention was Alia and Ranbir and their gorgeous ensembles. For the night, Alia wore a white Sabyasachi saree featuring multi-coloured floral prints. She paired her saree with a matching three-fourth-sleeve blouse that came with a deep plunging V-neckline, adding more grace to her look.
The star kept her look subtle and accessorised it with a pearl-embedded choker. For her makeup, she went for a no-makeup makeup look, with a dewy base, lots of highlighter, mascara-coated eyes, and nude lips. Alia finished off her look, leaving her wavy tresses open, cascading down her shoulders.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Repurposed Her Two-Year Old Pink Mehendi Lehenga By Manish Malhotra For His 2024 Diwali Party On the other hand, Ranbir complemented his lady love in an all-black kurta set. He wore a black bandhgala, also known as the “prince coat.” He paired it with white tailored trousers and matching shoes.
His look reflected both Raj Kapoor's charm with a touch of Ranbir's style. You can always count on Alia and Ranbir for traditional style with utmost perfection and grace. Also Read: Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor And.