
Since cinematographer Halyna Hutchins died after a prop gun misfire back in October 2021 on the set of Rust , the movie’s star and producer Alec Baldwin has been hit with a series of charges and court dates to determine whether he should serve time for the incident. On Friday, Baldwin could be seen crying and hugging his wife after New Mexico Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the involuntary manslaughter case against Baldwin . A day later, he has now responded to the decision.

Judge Sommer ruled to dismiss Baldwin’s case based on misconduct of police and prosecutors in regards to withholding evidence from the defense in the 2021 Rust incident that led to Hutchins’ untimely death. Here’s how Baldwin responded on his Instagram : There are too many people who have supported me to thank just now. To all of you, you will never know how much I appreciate your kindness toward my family.

In the July 12 decision, Sommer shared that “late discovery” of certain evidence “impacted the fundamental fairness of the proceedings.” This evidence was ammunition that was brought to the sheriff’s office in March by a man who claimed it could be related to what happened on the set of Rust . Baldwin’s lawyers alleged the prosecutors “buried” this information and filed a motion to dismiss the case, which was then approved in court.

Sommer said “the state is highly culpable for its failure to provide discovery to the defendant” before saying “dismissal with prejudice i.

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