
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "NewsArticle", "dateCreated": "2024-08-29T20:26:36+02:00", "datePublished": "2024-08-29T20:26:36+02:00", "dateModified": "2024-08-29T20:26:35+02:00", "url": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/article/19647/entertainment/music/album-review-kubayenga-by-sema-sole", "headline": "Album review: Kubayenga by Sema Solé", "description": "It is not too long since up and coming singer Sema Solé introduced himself to the Rwandan music scene. His unique rap style and lyricism have been.

..", "keywords": "Sema Solé", "inLanguage": "en", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https://www.

newtimes.co.rw/article/19647/entertainment/music/album-review-kubayenga-by-sema-sole" }, "thumbnailUrl": "https://www.


jpg", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.newtimes.co.

rw/thenewtimes/uploads/images/2024/08/29/57833.jpg" }, "articleBody": "It is not too long since up and coming singer Sema Solé introduced himself to the Rwandan music scene. His unique rap style and lyricism have been catching attention of music lovers.

Released on August 6, the artists’ debut album ‘Kubayenga’ is nothing short of art and creativity that is shown in his unique use of Kinyarwanda, dynamic soundscapes, seamless cadence, and his powerful message that resonates throughout each track. Sema Solé stated that the nine track-project, which translates to ‘To the melting,’ is his best attempt at curating the most potent thoughts, questions, feelings, and aspirations that have accompanied him in his tough transitions. “This is a letter to those going through their own transition and to myself for when it's time to endure the next one.

It took me expensive time, courage and honesty to make this,” he told The New Times. It took me time to digest this album and some insights reflect my own perspective plus some few fans who I interacted with. Beginning with the first track on the tape ‘Ikiba Kiraba’ is a piece that was produced by GMP.

It tells people to accept the inevitability of life and death, and it conveys that certain things are beyond our control and we should be thankful to God for our existence. Production of this track features a smooth and relaxing beat that perfectly complements the message and overall soundscape. The second track ‘Ukumbura’ which was a lead single of the album was produced by 8een.

It reflects on Sema Solé’s nostalgia for his earlier years when life was easier. As he matured, he faced more challenges and longs for the simplicity of his young age. The song advises his listeners to stay strong, using a metaphor “fata umutima nk’amata utamena” to emphasize the importance of handling life’s challenges with care.

Moving to the third track, ‘Izi Ntashyo,’ produced by GMP, is a very artistic piece. This song is a deeply emotional reflection on loss and longing for those who have passed away. The hook expresses a plea to God to deliver greetings to loved ones lost to loneliness, showing how the artist continues to dream of them.

In the first verse, Sema Sole speaks of the pain of feeling left behind. The second verse shifts toward resilience, with the artist refusing to accept being left behind and believing that sorrow will eventually end. Through it all, the song balances sorrow with hope, offering a heartfelt tribute to those who are no longer here.

‘Huha,’ Solé’s fourth song the tracklist, is a classic produced by 8een, it is an soulful piece with a deep message where the singer speaks on the earth, asking it to be gentle on those who are down and also emphasizes that hustle begins at young age. He urges his audience to only focus on what truly matters and appreciate every moment. Track Number Five is ‘Nyoza ubutandura,’ also produced by 8een.

In the song, Sema Solé lays bare his soul in a heartfelt plea to God. The track delves into an existential crisis where the artist seeks divine intervention to cleanse him of the burdens weighing on his spirit. He seeks salvation from the hunger of soul and it echoes a deep thirst for truth and redemption, encapsulating the struggles of soul yearning for peace and clarity amidst life’s uncertainty.

Sema Solé calls out listeners to reflect on their own spiritual battles and the pursuit of inner cleansing that leads to lusting transformation. Track Number Six is ‘Yoboza,’ which delivers a heartfelt request for guidance and companionship. The song gives a sense of vulnerability and desperation as he searches for a significant purpose or place in life with the lines of expressing a plea not to be left alone like ‘Niba ujya uho njya ntunsige’.

Yoboza was produced by 8een and it resonates with anyone who faced moments of doubt with sought assurance of the journey. The tape’s seventh track is ‘Nzaza.’ It gives desire, assurance and emotional connection even in the face of difficulties.

The tone of the lyrics is gentle and comforting, with focus on patience, trust and understanding. You can feel emotional depth in phrase ‘Tinda, igihe ntakibazo tinda’ and ‘Niyo naba ntakubona nzakujyana aho gacana’. The song makes a listener feel a depth of connection between two people.

Featuring Yvette, Solene, and Kimzer ‘Cyane,’ is one of two collaborations on Sema Solé’s tape. It stands out with its reflective and emotionally charged delivery. Yvette's soothing vocals set the tone, singing You're reaching the lifeless town on time, a line that evokes hope in a desolate place.

Sema Solé's hook, nkomeza cyane ntujye kure yanjye, adds a sense of vulnerability and longing, while Solene's introspective skit explore personal growth, mental resilience, and the search for inner peace, accompanied by Kimzer's ethereal background vocals. The track combines soulful melodies with deep themes of self-acceptance and perseverance, making it relatable to anyone facing emotional struggles or seeking comfort. The last song on the album is ‘Ntukihebe’ featuring Manzi Fleur both from Mellow Couch.

It is an uplifting and motivational track inspired by themes of resilience and perseverance in the face of life’s challenges. Manzi Fleur’s verse captures the weight of responsibilities, the hustle, and the struggle of cleanse oneself from past mistakes while maintaining home with lines like ‘it’s going to be alright’. He emphasizes living in the moment rather than focusing on the uncertainties of the future.

Sema Solé concludes by encouraging listeners to strive for better, even if the journey is tough, reminding them that the effort matters even when they don't reach their desired destination. Together, both artists deliver a powerful message of hope and determination, urging people to keep going and never give up, making the song relatable to anyone navigating through life's obstacles. ‘Kubayenga’ album is a pure art from its composition to its immaculate production and the features on the tape added a significant value to the album’s taste because they did not hesitate to hop in seamlessly to its artistic nature.

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