As winter approaches many of our gardens are looking a little bit empty, with the foliage falling off many of our plants as they go dormant during the cold, frosty months. If you are looking for a way to add some life to your garden at this time of year, then Alan Titchmarsh has exclusively recommended to the Mirror the perfect plant for you, and this stunning plant will also add some beautiful blooms to your green space over the colder months. "That great gardener Christopher Lloyd used to say that the wonderful thing about the garden in November is that nobody expects anything of it, so anything that does produce a flower is a great bonus.
Far from being a time solely of wet leaves and dank shrubberies, your garden can offer all kinds of riches, if you choose wisely," the gardening expert explains. One way to make sure that your garden is at its best all year round is to change up your plant buying habits, Alan explains, and make sure you're visiting your local garden centre consistently throughout the year. "Instead of having an annual plant-buying spree in June, visit your local nursery or garden centre once a month throughout the year and buy two or three things that are in flower or fruit.
"That way, when they are established in your garden, you have year-round interest," Alan explains, and there is one plant he recommends in particular that will make be a triumph in your outside space at this time of year, all the way until spring begins next year. "One shrub that begi.