Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, and their daughter Aaradhya were spotted together at the airport, spreading New Year cheer with a heartwarming family moment that has taken the internet by storm. Bollywood’s power couple, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, continue to set relationship goals with their enduring love and family bond. Despite persistent separation rumors, the duo has repeatedly silenced the gossip mill with their public appearances, the latest being their return to Mumbai after a New Year celebration abroad.
Spotted with their daughter Aaradhya at the airport, the family looked stylish and cheerful. Abhishek’s thoughtful gesture of shielding Aishwarya from paparazzi flashes and helping her into the car quickly went viral, embodying the charm of an old-school gentleman. The video has fans swooning over their adorable chemistry and family unity.
A Fashionably Warm Return Abhishek opted for a laid-back grey hoodie look, while Aishwarya stunned in an all-black ensemble — a flowy top paired with tailored trousers. Aaradhya, as always, stole hearts with her cute style, wearing a blue top, denim jeans, and a sparkly hairband. The trio’s coordinated exit from the airport exuded warmth, grace, and family goals.
Fans couldn’t get enough of Abhishek’s chivalrous act of opening car doors for his wife and daughter — a small but meaningful gesture that’s now making waves online. Watch the video here: A post shared by Instant Bollywood (@in.