
one in three Americans, 96 million adults, has – but only 2-3% are to full-blown disease. addressing diabetes – and, ideally, preventing it – would save American taxpayers immense sums. to help treat and improve the lives of chronic disease patients, including diabetics.

And the rise of artificial intelligence and automation offer big opportunities to improve RPM technology. Whenever you hear about diabetes today, the No. 1 topic is that GLP-1 drugs have taken off in recent years in a really big way.

And that has been a transformative experience for people who are on those drugs for two reasons. First, they do help you better control your blood sugar. Second, and this probably is what gets the most attention, people who are taking a GLP-1 drug are losing a lot of weight.

can be used to help those with diabetes in a number of ways. They enable clinicians and other caregivers to keep tabs on an individual's blood-sugar levels, to nudge patients with reminders, and to help them set up wellness plans. .

A lot of it is about how to make that smart agent support you daily and in the way that best enables positive change. That's when AI can really shine. with diabetes lose a leg or foot to amputation annually.

The vast majority of Americans with diabetes are not using to help manage their conditions. But people who do use these tools have a unique agent with them at all times that understands what's going on in their day-to-day lives..

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