More than 70% of businesses use AI today. In all age groups, over 70% of people use AI at work. If you want to future-proof your business and career, becoming AI-native is nonnegotiable.
For entrepreneurs and executives, this paradigm shift affects all aspects of business leadership: decision-making, business processes, and human resources. Consider these trends as you march forward in the era of AI: 1. AI has shifted from consumer-facing experiments to enterprise-facing applications Today, AI is about consistency and reliability rather than novelty.
General-purpose functions like large language models will continue to be useful, but industry-specific features will be lucrative and produce future unicorns. There exists a massive opportunity in solving B2B problems with AI. Vertical AI (designed for specific industry sectors) is now more important than horizontal AI (broad and versatile).
If you manage to augment or replace a business function at work, your solution can probably help others as a product or service. In order to keep up with the latest innovations, look at marketplaces and aggregators like AppSumo, Product Hunt, BetaList, There’s An AI for That, Indie Hackers, and similar sites. If you have access to office systems like Microsoft and Adobe, try their AI features.
Through the process of learning and experimentation, you will discover new opportunities. 2. AI has become more multimodal and agentic, so employees are easier to automate Multimodal AI can process, i.