Bengaluru recently hosted the 5th edition of the ASLI Ageing Fest , a flagship event spotlighting the burgeoning senior care industry in India. Organized by the Association of Senior Living India (ASLI), the festival convened an esteemed gathering of industry pioneers, government officials, investors, and businesses. This collaborative platform fostered meaningful dialogue and exploration of the vast potential within the senior living and care ecosystem, highlighting innovative solutions and opportunities for growth in this rapidly evolving sector.
Dr. VK Paul, Member of NITI Aayog, highlighted the need for a holistic approach to senior care. He welcomed suggestions on improving the physical, digital, and financial security of seniors, emphasizing the importance of creating policies that address their evolving needs.
Speaking at the event, Mr. Nitin Kamath, Founder and CEO, Zerodha, said, “The areas of focus in the future will be on medical care management and nutrition for senior citizens. While this generation of senior citizens might not adopt AI, caregivers can increase efficiency by adopting automated tools and AI.
” Opining that senior care as a sector is still under the radar in India, Dr. Rana Mehta, Partner and Leader Health, PwC, said, “We have had multiple businesses and success stories, but the sector is still below the radar. When private equity comes in, it capitalises on this growth.
In my opinion, the technology aspect of senior care is very important and.