
On Wednesday, Aug. 21 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

join Plainfield author and photographer AgathaO as she shares selections from her new collection of essays and photos, “Northern Byways and Other Essays From the Road,” a travelogue exploring the landscape across the Northern United States and Canada in an aging Toyota Tacoma. AgathaO (the alter ego of historian Pleun Bouricius) brings us on a “windshield survey of the lay of the land across the thinly populated expanses that most of us Americans and Canadians profess to love.” She and her travel companion, the Carpenter, lead a journey discovering how we have shaped our landscapes and raise questions about what we are doing with the vast riches we have inherited from our forebears.

Meticulously documented, the volume is also a commentary on the value of books, reading and research in a world where facts are currency and seemingly malleable at the same time. AgathaO will lead a conversation and a book signing will follow the reading. Registration is required — please register to attend at tinyurl.

com/Northern-Byways This program is sponsored by the Friends of Abbot Public Library. For additional information, please visit www.abbotlibrary.

org , email [email protected] or call 781-631-1481.

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