
After seasoned actor Siddique quit the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), Malayalam director Ranjith stepped down as the chairman of a state-run film academy. The eminent filmmaker, was under fire after Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra accused him of misbehaviour years ago, but the issue came to the limelight in the wake of the Hema Committee report becoming public. ADVERTISEMENT As per PTI, Ranjith stepped down as the head of the government-run Kerala Chalachitra Academy on Sunday and informed his decision through an audio clip sent to a television channel.

He resigned amid an opposition clamour--from the Congress and BJP-- demanding he quit the post. said he doesn't want to continue in the position as it would adversely impact the reputation of the Left government in the state. He said he would fight the accusations against him legally.

"I have been targeted by a certain section of people since the day I took charge as the Chairman of the Academy. I need to prove before the society that the allegations are untrue. I have decided to move legally and bring out the truth," he was heard saying in the audio clip.

"Many people including the media are attacking me without understanding the truth. In this context, I have decided to step down from the post," Ranjith added. Sreelekha Mitra had recently alleged that the award-winning filmmaker had behaved inappropriately when she came up for the shooting of a film that he had helmed.

"I was not feeling okay with him. The ro.

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