
Healthy Insights: Expert driven. Evidence-Based. Actionable Health Guidance.

From our team of medical experts. Why This Matters to You A new study shows that babies born with ADHD typically start life weighing less than other babies--but something important happens between ages 3 and 5. They start gaining weight; and, by age 5, children with ADHD face a much higher risk of obesity.

This discovery is crucial for parents and healthcare providers because both ADHD and obesity has been shown to lead to other health problems. This includes, heart issues, breathing difficulties, and diabetes, and more. Key Quote: "In summary, the current study shows that the weight shift from underweight to overweight in children with ADHD starts between the ages three to five.

..(t)his study further clarifies the direction of the association between ADHD and weight, while the mechanisms underlying weight gain in children with ADHD remain to be further explored.

" ( Study Source ) Start Early : Dr. Puja Uppal , Family Medicine, emphasizes: "Don't wait until there's a problem. The CDC recommends checking children's growth starting at age 2.

For kids with ADHD, those early childhood years--ages 3 to 5--are especially important. Simple things like setting regular meal times can make a big difference in your children's lives." Help the Whole Family : Dr.

Shelandra Bell , Family Medicine, notes: "Yes, I also want to add to Dr. Uppal's point--when it comes to healthy eating and ADHD, the whole family needs.

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