
Foods with fiber have benefits for your gut health, and weight loss. And high-fiber vegetables are a great place to start getting more of that good stuff in your diet. From and cruciferous veggies to and , there a lot of delicious, versatile options to choose from.

And vegetables that are high in fiber tend to come packed with other helpful nutrients as well, such as vitamin C and folate. That means that eating high-fiber veggies can also help you reach other health goals, dietitians tell TODAY.com.

How much fiber should we be eating? You should aim to get 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat, according to the . That means people who eat 2,000 calories a day should be getting 28 grams of fiber every day. Unfortunately, many people fall pretty far short of that goal.

In the U.S., adults often end up eating just 10 to 15 grams a day, the experts say.

So, if you're feeling or soon after eating, that could be due to a lack of fiber in your diet. When you're ready to add more fiber to your meals, start with a few of these high-fiber vegetables. In general, you can think of fiber as the "street sweeper of your (gastrointestinal) system," Grace Derocha, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.

com. Fiber helps clear out excess waste from your body, she explains, which and bloating. That action also helps maintais your ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Because we get fiber from plants, filling your plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and legumes is “a sure-fire way to up your fiber intake,” Whitney Linsenmeyer, Ph.D., assistant professor at Saint Louis University and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, tells TODAY.

com There are actually two types of fiber in food. First, there's soluble fiber, which swells in water, slows down the movement of meals through your intestines. This helps , TODAY.

com explained previously. Insoluble fiber performs the opposite job, meaning it more quickly. It also adds bulk to your stool and increases the feeling of fullness after a meal, which .

Vegetables are particularly rich in insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to your stool and speeds up intestinal transit time, Linsenmeyer says. “Because of these properties, the fiber found in to prevent or treat constipation,” she adds. Because they perform complementary jobs in your GI tract, you should try to get both types of fiber in your meals throughout the day.

Doing so can be a challenge, but incorporating more plant foods — particularly vegetables — into your diet is an easy way to get both soluble and insoluble fiber at the same time. The truth is that all plant foods contain fiber, so you can find the nutrient in any vegetable. But a few veggies get "MVP status" due to their especially high fiber content, Linsenmeyer says.

Some of those high-fiber all-star veggies include: A medium artichoke contains 7 grams of fiber, Linsenmeyer says. can be a little intimidating because of the tough exterior leaves. But they're surprisingly versatile and can be , , steamed or .

Hearty greens like kale, collard greens, turnip greens and spinach come with a lot of fiber, Derocha says. Use these as the base of a veggie-loaded salad, with dinner or mixed into a . A chopped cup of these brightly colored veggies contains nearly 4 grams of fiber, according to the .

Plus, they also have for an energy boost. Raw carrot sticks or baby carrots make a great, nutritious snack (especially paired with some hummus or peanut butter), or try with a honey and balsamic glaze. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, are a great option if you're looking to add more fiber to your diet.

Try adding roasted broccoli to meals with other high-fiber foods, like , or . And, yes, works, too! These root vegetables bring almost 4 grams of fiber per cup, per the USDA, making them a nutritious and colorful addition to any or . They also contain a good amount of folate, also called vitamin B9, which is helpful for development and .

Another cruciferous high-fiber vegetable, is also high in and an exceptionally versatile ingredient. Roasted cauliflower makes a great side (especially when topped with a ) or addition to salads. Or it can be subbed in for starchier or in many recipes.

Both and are nutritious root veggies, each coming with 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving (with the skin). There are to use potatoes in your meals, including roasting them on a sheet pan, baking them whole or adding them to a casserole. Because they're on the starchier side, you may want to pair sweet potatoes and potatoes with foods that contain more satisfying protein and healthy fats, like chicken, or tofu.

Roasted Brussels sprouts are a . And these tiny veggies pack a whopping 3 grams of fiber per half-cup serving, Linsenmeyer says. Switch things up by chopping the lightly cooked sprouts or alongside salmon and another fiber-rich veggie: asparagus.

Tomatoes might be a less obvious high-fiber vegetable, but Derocha has good reason to include it on her list. With about 1.5 grams of fiber per medium-sized tomato, per the , it's easy to add these as a fiber boost to .

In addition to all the other healthful benefits of fiber, some specific fiber-rich vegetables also , Linsenmeyer says, meaning they promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut. "We know how important is to our overall gut health and the health of basically every body system," she says. “You can think of prebiotic fibers as healthy food for the bacteria (that make up your gut microbiome) to help them thrive and proliferate.

” These are fibers, often soluble fibers, that don't get chemically digested in the colon, she explains. Instead they get fermented by the good bacteria there. Some vegetables that contain prebiotic fiber include: High-fiber vegetables are a good place to start getting more fiber in your meals, but they are by no means the end of the road.

Combine these veggies with a variety of whole grains, fruit, beans and legumes to in every bite..

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