
The former Desperate Housewife on malicious rumours, ageing gracefully and why an “evil” mother is her greatest ever role. Older women struggling to pack for the holidays take heart: even former Bond Girl Teri Hatcher isn’t sure how to dress for the heat. “I’m leaving this afternoon for a holiday somewhere that can hit 90 degrees and I realise I don’t have any clothes that make me look cute in that climate.

I mean, it’s hot here in Los Angeles but I don’t leave my house!” Hatcher - best known for her sparky starring roles in the TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-1997) and Desperate Housewives (2004-2012) – turns 60 this year. From her home in California she tells me that she “isn’t worried about the number. One of the gifts of ageing is that you care much less about what other people think.

But I still think I have expectations of my own appearance...

” Married twice (briefly in the late 1980s and then to actor Jon Tenney the father of her daughter from 1994 to 2003) she celebrated her 59th birthday last December by posting photos on her Instagram page in which she’s grinning widely in a leopard-print bikini and telling fans she had spent the day “in nature with loved ones, enjoying the cold ocean, warm hearts, moving, talking, and laughter.” Today she says she thinks any woman should feel free to do the same: “I believe in what they say: A ‘bikini body ’ is just your body in a bikini.” Unlike many of her peers, the direct and likeable Hatcher tells me she’s resisted cosmetic surgery.

“I don’t have any judgement around it – and never say never, right?! – but I haven’t had a face lift, I don’t do Botox or fillers or anything. I don’t wear that like a badge of honour. Everybody has to do what works for them and I certainly won’t sit here and say it’s easy to age.


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