
Election years are prime times for heightened anxiety — and the 2024 race is shaping up to be particularly stressful. The country is arguably more divided than ever and there's a lot at stake , from reproductive rights to basic healthcare. Worry and disagreements may seem inevitable, and our ability to doom-scroll on social media or tune into endless news channel coverage doesn't help matters.

But the months of election stress can take its toll. "Election anxiety is definitely on the rise," says Colleen Marshall, MA, LMFT, pointing to a May 2024 survey from the American Psychiatric Association that found that 73 percent of US adults reported feeling anxious about the upcoming election. "It's a big contributor to the overall increase in anxiety we've been seeing," Marshall tells PS, adding that 43 percent of people say they're more anxious this year than last, per the same study.

Given what we know about elections and anxiety, is there anything we can do to avoid the same stressful fate ahead of the 2024 presidential election? There is — and it may take some firm boundaries and self-discipline, but it's worth it for your mental well-being. Here, therapist-approved advice on how to avoid stoking the flames of your election stress this year. Colleen Marshall , MA, LMFT, is the chief clinical officer at Two Chairs , a mental health provider specializing in personalized, evidence-based therapy through both virtual and in-person care.

Why Are Elections So Stressful? Although there's a case to be made that election stress is getting worse, the truth is that elections have always been anxiety-ridden. "Elections can really stress us out because we cannot control the outcome," Marshall says. "When we can't control the outcome, and big decisions are being made that impact our lives, it naturally increases our anxiety.

We like to feel in control of our future, and when that feels uncertain, it can be unsettling and our thoughts run wild." Marshall notes that for some people, anxiety also centers around certain topics — the APA survey names the economy and gun violence as two major sources of stress in addition to the 2024 election. For others, it may be climate change.

How to Cope With Election Stress Although it's important to stay informed, if you find that election stress is interfering with your mental health, it's crucial to take steps to protect your well-being. To help mitigate stress in an election year, Marshall suggests the following: How to Navigate Stressful Conversations The media we consume is only one piece of the puzzle here. Another major catalyst for election stress is the conversations that take place around this time.

"Navigating stressful conversations, especially with people who have different political opinions, can be challenging," Marshall says. Again, boundaries are the name of the game. "You can decide ahead of time who you want to talk politics with and when those conversations should happen," she says.

You might decide to not engage in politics talk on social media, for example. Or, if you have a fun hang planned with people who tend to push your buttons, you can float the idea of taking election talk off the table for the night. "This way, you can enjoy your time together without the added stress," Marshall says.

Of course, you can't control other people. If they reject your idea or if they agree but then keeps bringing up topics you're trying to steer clear from, all you can do is try your best not to engage — and reflect on how often you want to see that person between now and November. When to Get Help There's no minimum level of mental discomfort required to seek professional help; you can set up a therapy appointment anytime you want, and it can be hugely helpful to have a safe space to talk about your election stress and identify some possible strategies for easing it.

But if you notice your election anxiety is affecting your daily life and/or functioning, Marshall strongly recommends reaching out to a mental health professional for personalized medical advice. "Therapy works and can teach you skills to reduce your anxiety, manage your feelings and understand your emotions," she says . .

. even in an election year. Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health & Fitness.

Previously, she worked as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributed to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she overshares on the internet, creating content about chronic illness, beauty, and disability. Supplements For Stress That Actually Work, According to Experts.

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