
In the bustling halls of Bayero University Kano, where dreams are nurtured and futures shaped, my story began in 2019. As a Mass Communication student, I found myself part of a tightly-knit group of friends – Pengking, Lilking, and Popeblack. Little did I know that this friendship would become the backdrop for a personal tale of perseverance and unexpected opportunity.

The Web3 Revolution It was Popeblack, a Business Administration Management student, who first ventured into the world of Web3 projects. Armed with only a battered HP laptop and determination, he laid the foundation for what would become a transformative journey for us all. Through him, we were introduced to the Secret Network Agency, a project focused on digital privacy.

For a time, we enjoyed modest earnings of N3,000 to N10,000 weekly, until the agency’s closure. As months passed, fortunes began to shift. Popeblack secured a significant position in the industry.

Pengking and Lilking followed suit, landing jobs that provided financial stability. I, however, remained on the sidelines, jobless but not friendless. The Turning Point The reality of my situation hit home one afternoon at Popeblack’s place.

Amidst lively conversation, Pengking’s then-girlfriend pointedly asked, “Mueez, why are you not doing anything?” Her words, though stinging, ignited a spark of determination within me. Helen Keller once said, “We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.” This sentiment became my silent mantra as I navigated the challenging waters of job hunting, facing repeated disappointments in the Web3 space.

An Unexpected Opportunity Salvation came in an unexpected form. Popeblack invited me to join him on a weekly Twitter space session, providing updates on the Secret Network Ecosystem. Despite my initial reluctance due to speaking anxiety, I accepted.

My role began with gathering and structuring reports on ecosystem developments, which I presented live. This seemingly small task became the foundation of my first job. As I continued assisting Popeblack on what we dubbed ‘Monday Update Wey Sure’, my responsibilities grew to include video recaps.

At month’s end, I received my first payment of N30,000 – a modest sum that felt like a fortune. The Fruits of Patience Today, I juggle two paying positions and an internship. While not living in luxury, I can cover my expenses as a student, easing the burden on my family.

This journey has taught me the value of perseverance and the unpredictable nature of opportunity. As Lao Tzu wisely noted, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” My story stands as testament to this truth.

In the face of setbacks and self-doubt, it was patience and continued effort that ultimately opened doors. To those still waiting for their breakthrough, remember: what time figures out is truly beyond one’s imagination. Your moment may be just around the corner, arriving in a form you least expect.

Raheem Mueezdeen, Mass Communication L4, Bayero University Kano..

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