
At the age of only 20, MellaMay has emerged as a new powerhouse in the Thai music industry whose electrifying tunes resonate with raw emotion and unbridled energy. Her debut single, Golden Child, released recently on the Tero Music label, invites listeners to take an exhilarating journey filled with raw passion and gritty resilience. From metal guitar riffs and infectious grooves to anthemic themes, MellaMay's music delves deep into emotions, triumph over adversity and embodies the essence of Golden Child.

MellaMay's musical journey began at a very young age. "I've always felt a deep connection to music," she reflected. "It's been a constant in my life, shaping who I am today.

" Her early influences were diverse, ranging from classical composers to pop icons like Katy Perry. These varied inspirations instilled in her a deep appreciation for melody and rhythm, elements that are integral to her unique sound today. Growing up, MellaMay's passion for music was evident in her participation in school plays and performances.

Her versatility knows no bounds. She mastered the classical style and even performed a solo at just 16 alongside the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra. But her journey wasn't without its challenges.

"While I was in the UK, I played in multiple bands and cut my teeth doing shows at college and in some pretty dodgy English pubs. If you can play to those crowds, you're ready for anything," she recalled of her time living abroad. This diverse musical training coupled with her experiences performing in different settings contributed to her distinctive sound.

"My classical training gave me a solid foundation in music theory and technique," MellaMay explained. "I draw from this foundation while experimenting with electronic sounds and modern production techniques." This blend of classical and contemporary influences is evident in her music, which spans genres and captivates audiences with its authenticity.

MellaMay's creative process is deeply personal and organic. "The lyrics come first, sometimes starting with a raw emotion or experience that I want to express," she said. "But they can also be a social commentary, like Chinchilla's work, or observations of things that happen around me.

From there, I experiment with producers or musicians; together, we come up with different melodies and beats until we find something that resonates with that feeling." This method results in music that is not only true to her experiences but also resonant with her listeners. "Golden Child was inspired by the immense pressure I felt to meet everyone's expectations, including my own," she admitted.

The song reflects her journey of trying to balance these pressures while staying true to herself. "It's a testament to the struggles many of us face in trying to live up to the standards set by society and ourselves." The collaboration with Paul "Bee" Hampshire, best known as a member of the Thai electro punk group Futon, was crucial in shaping the narrative of Golden Child.

"Working with Bee was incredible. He helped me see the potential for a more hopeful message within the song," MellaMay shared. "His insights and suggestions were invaluable in shaping Golden Child into a piece that not only addresses challenges but also offers a sense of hope and resilience.

" The music video for Golden Child visually amplifies the song's themes, featuring two versions of MellaMay that represent different aspects of her identity. "The duality in the music video represents the constant battle between our public persona and our true self," she explained. "By showcasing these two versions of myself, I hope to convey that it's okay to embrace all facets of our identity, even the ones we struggle with.

" The visual narrative is a celebration of authenticity and self-acceptance, underscoring the message that embracing our true selves is a vital part of overcoming challenges. The singer self-described her music as dark and experimental pop, and Golden Child perfectly complements the song's themes. Tero Music Company Limited "Dark pop and experimental pop embody the themes of Golden Child, but that's just one of my songs," she noted.

"I don't want to be limited or confined to one genre. My next single will be a very different beast -- a time to break out and dance away the blues!" The different remixes of Golden Child add new dimensions to the song, each bringing a unique interpretation. The electro remix by Kidtsix adds an energetic, danceable vibe, while David Futon's drum & bass mix infuses a high-energy, pulsating intensity.

"The drum & bass remix brings a fresh intensity into Golden Child," MellaMay enthused. "The complex syncopation of the breakbeat and the bass-heavy sound typical of D&B amplifies the song's urgency and emotional depth, making it feel almost like an adrenaline rush on the dance floor." The gritty rap remix by DJ Arata Nakamura offers a raw, lyrical edge, adding a new layer of storytelling that enhances the song's introspective elements.

MellaMay's journey has not only been a musical exploration but also a personal one. Her struggles with mental health have deeply influenced her music, providing a source of creativity and strength. "My past struggles with mental health have definitely influenced my music," she admitted.

"Golden Child was born out of a period of intense pressure and self-doubt. Writing and producing the song was therapeutic for me, allowing me to channel my emotions into something creative. It's a reminder that beauty and strength can emerge from our darkest moments.

It's also a message to people going through similar things to stay strong and be their true selves." When she's not making music, MellaMay can often be found riding horses in the wilds of Thailand's mountains. This boldness and connection to nature mirrors the fearlessness in her music.

"For those who revel in the sounds of electro-pop dance, my music offers an exhilarating escape," she said. "So saddle up and join me on this thrilling journey of musical exploration and adventure!" Looking to the future, MellaMay is excited about her upcoming projects. "I'm currently working on some exciting new projects, including a new single that I can't wait to share," she revealed.

"We are also planning live club PAs here in Bangkok and Taiwan. Plus, we are getting a full live show together. I'm also working with some incredibly talented young Thai designers.

" Her dedication to pushing boundaries and embracing creativity ensures that each new endeavour is infused with passion and innovation..

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