
The Lincoln Project's latest ad (video below), featuring a father taking his teenage daughter for medical treatment, warns of the dangers of Project 2025 . It is powerful and disturbing. People who have not been paying attention may say the police stop portrayed could never happen in America.

They also said that the Supreme Court would not strip a decades-old right from women. Or that it would grant a president almost unlimited criminal immunity. But the Court did.

There are phenomenally wealthy, politically connected conservatives who are working unstintingly to realize their dystopian dreams — no matter how many judges they have to buy. The rational thinker will assume the worst — no matter how much they hope they are wrong. x Project 2025 and its evil architects envision an America where women will be monitored, prosecuted, and jailed for exercising their own bodily autonomy.

We are not going back! pic.twitter.com/CeKvBSgQg1 — The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) August 27, 2024 #vote.

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