
A Georgia woman wants to know how Delta Air Lines allowed a man onto her plane without a boarding pass for the flight after he followed her family around Dulles International Airport for hours. Delta said it is still investigating the incident on an August 2 flight to Atlanta. The airline learned of the man’s presence when Lauren Benton, 40, told a flight attendant he was behaving suspiciously.

Benton told The Washington Post on Friday that the man had been trailing her family around the airport from the time they went through security and that he sat in the row with her husband and 9-year-old daughter before takeoff. “My daughter starts crying,” said Benton, who was also travelling with her 6-year-old daughter. She said the flight attendant was trying to determine if the man’s presence was legitimate when the passenger who was assigned to the seat showed up.

The man, who has not been identified, was removed from the plane, interviewed and allowed back into the terminal to continue travelling, according to the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, which manages Dulles. He was not charged with a crime..

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