As we pray to Persephone to usher in spring let’s talk about self-care. But not the oft-touted self-care, such as take a bath, go for a walk or meditate, though those are all fine ways to hug yourself. Let’s mix it up and do some self-care vis-à-vis Latin phrases.
• Memento mori: Remember you will die. Ah yes, the reminder we all need. We are the only sentient creatures who are aware of the ticking clock.
At least, I think. Nobody can say for sure. Perhaps ferrets have that sinking feeling, too.
But we know this and still churn through so many precious hours surfing Reddit threads, holding grudges about ridiculous things, and watching bad TV. We don’t take that trip, say that thing or try that hobby. We think we have all the time in the world, especially when we’re young.
Maybe that’s one good thing about aging — we come to understand our days are finite and that we should use them more mindfully. So go do that thing you’ve always wanted to try. Aspire to fail.
Nobody will remember and even if they do, they don’t care nearly as much as we think they do. • Audaces fortuna juvat: Fortune favors the bold. I first heard a version of this phrase (“Fortune favors the bull”) from my sister-in-law about a guy I was besotted with.
She basically told me to shoot my shot, before that particular phrase came along. This phrase goes hand in hand with memento mori. Remember you will die, so be bold.
Boldness can take you places. Nobody knows what you want unless yo.