
Intermittent fasting has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and even longevity. As more and more people try it out as a possible means to improve their overall health and well-being, it’s important to take a deeper look into the science behind this way of eating. There are myriad ways to fast, from drinking only water to a more modified approach that includes some calories from drinking bone broth or fresh-pressed juices.

The duration of the fasting period also varies and may last up to 28 days or more. 16:8 Method Eat-Stop-Eat 5:2 Intermittent Fasting Alternate-Day Fasting One-Meal-a-Day (OMAD) Weight Loss More research is needed to uncover the exact mechanism, but weight loss is often seen in people who adopt an intermittent fasting approach to eating. Metabolic Health Autophagy Human Growth Hormone Oxidative Stress Cognitive Function Cardiometabolic Health “[The improvements] have been associated with fasting periods of 16–24 hours.

These benefits arise from hormonal adjustments and improved metabolic responses,” Pandit said. Gut Health “In regard to gut health, shorter fasting times of 12–16h [hours] might be beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and could improve gut barrier function and the composition of gut microbiota when compared to non-fasting state,” said Pandit..

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