
The thing to know about the pygmy hippopotamus named Moo Deng is that she is angry, but also she is sweet. In photographs, she is often blurry and at all times, she is shiny. She secretes something known as "blood sweat" which is actually her sunscreen.

She is a hippopotamidae. She is stout. She runs like a piglet and has a snout like a very, very new puppy's.

She is very fast. In one video, a zookeeper gently gets Moo Deng to open her mouth and reveal her small, pointy teeth. Her mother's snout enters the frame.

It is large, with short white bristles; the way it moves looks a lot like the way a human mother's snout moves when she smells her daughter's hair. Her parents are named Jona and Tony. Moo Deng is two months old.

She is not old enough to eat grass, but she pretends to. Her name means "bouncy pork". She is bouncy even in her sleep.

She is, at the same time, what being in your 20s is like. She is the duality of woman. "Moo Deng the most beautiful girl in the world".

Moo Deng is "literally just a girl". She knows that the price you pay for the rewards of being loved is the mortifying ordeal of being known. The rewards of The mortifying being loved ordeal of being known pic.

twitter.com/jptIsmIB8b — Zweil ☭ (@somethings_awry) September 11, 2024 When Moo Deng's mother is brought a bowl of roughly chopped fruit and vegetables, Moo Deng climbs into the..

. Helen Sullivan.

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