W e all have our fashion no-go areas. For some it’s puffer jackets, for others it’s Peter Pan collars. For me it’s sequin jackets — the type your nan (never mine, she was a velvet sort of gal) might wear to the bridge club’s Christmas drinks.
I’ve always found there to be something decidedly ageing about them. To quote the well-known saying: when a woman is tired of life, she slips on a purple sequin jacket with a pair of jeggings and accepts it’s all over. Now, though, I’m eating my words.
Not because purple sequin jackets are the only thing to be seen in this month (I’m afraid, Quality Street aside, it’s still a hard no for me where anything purple and shiny is concerned), but because a jazzy jacket — or a cocktail jacket, as it may more elegantly be described — is this party season’s sleeperhit. Blame the fact that we’re all just a bit too tired to do the slinky dress and stilettos for every single event in our diaries, or our collective determination to wear our most flattering pair of comfortable black trousers whatever the occasion, but a party jacket is festive gold..