
Get cozy with a pumpkin spice latte, a bowl of popcorn and all the new movies and TV shows to watch this weekend on Netflix , Apple TV Plus and other top streaming services . Our weekend watchlist is led by an A-list team-up: George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the action comedy "Wolfs." Plus, Pixar's summer blockbuster "Inside Out 2" finally comes to Disney Plus.

On the TV side, stars of the aughts are back in a big way, with Kristen Bell and Adam Brody pairing up in the rom-com "Nobody Wants This" and Joshua Jackson headlining the medical drama "Doctor Odyssey." Here's our guide on what to watch this weekend. New TV ‘Nobody Wants This’ (Netflix) Veronica Mars and Seth Cohen? Sign me up! The former stars of mid-aughts teen shows pair up for this charming rom-com series about an agnostic podcast host and an unconventional rabbi.

As unlikely of a couple as they make, Joanne and Noah feel an undeniable zing between them when they meet at a party. Still, their differing views, the usual modern obstacles to love and their well-meaning but difficult families won’t make their romantic journey easy. Premieres Thursday, Sept.

26 at 3 a.m. ET on Netflix ‘Doctor Odyssey’ (ABC) The RMTU (Ryan Murphy Televisual Universe) expands with this procedural medical drama starring Joshua Jackson as the new on-board doctor of a luxury cruise ship where the staff works hard and plays harder.

Under the eye of Captain Robert Massey (Don Johnson), Max and his small but mighty team — including .

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