
offers a unique opportunity to deepen your relationship and have a little fun while getting some movement in. By together, couples can improve their communication skills, connect on a deeper level, both physically and emotionally, and build trust. Not to mention that it will help you both reap the .

The practice can help , improve and strength, and promote overall wellbeing. Performing yoga with others also encourages mindfulness, allowing people to focus on the present moment and enjoy eachother’s company without distractions. Ready to give it a try? Here are some fun and easy yoga moves you can do at home with your significant other: Stand up straight facing your partner with your hips shoulder-width apart.

Both of you will raise your hands above your head and lean forward (keeping a slight bend in the knee) until your hands are resting on your partners shoulders. Feel a . Hold this pose for 10 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Begin on all fours facing your partner. Both of you will then lift your right arm and place your hand on your partners left shoulder. While balancing, lift your left leg straight out behind you.

Hold this pose for 10 seconds before returning back to the starting position and switching sides (lift left arm and right leg). Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, facing your partner. Extend your arms out in front of you and grab a hold of your partners arm above their wrist.

Inhale as you both stretch your chest toward each other. Then as you exhale, one of you will lean back, arching your back and looking up toward the sky. At the same time, your partner will round their back and lean forward.

Come back through center and switch. Repeat 3-5 times. Begin standing back to back with your partner.

Lean against each other for stability and step outward with your left foot and then your right foot. Slowly lower down; while pushing your back against one another until you reach a seated position (pretend you are sitting into an invisible chair). You can keep your arms out for more stability, place your hands on your thighs or extend them straigh up overhead for an added challenge.

Hold this pose for 10 seconds before slowly standing back up and bringing your feet into their original position. Begin standing side by side. Use your partner for stability while you both raise your arm closest to each other toward the ceiling.

Take your other hand and place it palm to palm with your partner near your shoulders. Using eachother for stability, lift the leg furthest from your partner; bend your knee and place your foot above your knee forming the . Hold for 10 seconds before returning back to the starting position.

Start sitting on the floor facing each other with your legs open into a "V" shape. Reach your hands straight out in front of you until you are holding your partners hands. One of you will slowly lean back, bringing your partner slightly forward, feeling a nice stretch in the hamstrings.

Do not pull your partner so far forward that it is uncomfortable. Hold for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. Next, the opposite partner will lean back, pulling their partner forward feeling that nice stretch, hold for a few seconds and return to neutral.

Sit on the floor back to back with your partner. Each of you will simultaneously twist to the right so that you can place your right hand on your partner's left thigh and your left hand on your right knee. Hold for a few breaths before switching sides (hand on partner's right thigh and your left knee).

Begin sitting side by side on the floor with knees bent, with your partner and yourself pointed in opposite directions so that you are facing eachother. Slowly lower down onto your back so that the upper half of your body is flat onto the floor. Lift your legs slightly off the ground and straighten them with your toes pointed outward.

Lift your arms toward the ceiling while rocking side to side. This should help your shoulder blade adjusts, opening up your spine and widening your back so that it touches the floor and allowings you to melt into relaxation. Bring your arms back down to your side with your palms facing upward.

Open your mouth slightly and release your tongue from the roof of your mouth feeling complete relaxation across your entire body. Lie here with your partner for 5 minutes before slowly rolling to your side and standing back up. Stephanie Mansour is a contributing health and fitness writer for TODAY.

She is a certified personal trainer, yoga and Pilates instructor and for women. She hosts “Step It Up with Steph” on PBS. Join her complimentary health and weight-loss and follow her for daily inspiration on and in her .


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